Identify Analyse organisational structures and processes

The impacts of organisational structures and processes on the other elements of the work system are often particularly strong. For example, the organisation will make procurement decisions that affect the tools and equipment available to staff, while staffing will be influenced by finance and workforce planning at an organisational level.

What the data said: Is there a business case for an enhanced administrative role?

  • Appointment bookings are interrupted up to seven times:

    The observations showed that appointment booking was the biggest task taking about 1/3 of the receptionist's time.

    Often administrative tasks take place concurrently, which leads to frequent interruptions and navigating between different software platforms.

  • Administrative tasks make up 20% - 30% of a physiologist's daily shift time:

    All grades of clinical staff were observed to provide reception and phone cover and to pick up administrative tasks. This was regarded as good teamwork, but it can take between 15 to 25 minutes out of a specialist's day.

    Reorganisation of the administrative tasks and the administrative role could free up clinicians' time, improve patient experience, and reduce stress and fatigue among staff.